Text utf8

Purpose: Convert text to UTF8 string.

 text-utf8 <text> \
     [ status <status> ] \
     [ error-text <error text> ]

text-utf8 will convert string value <text> to UTF8. <text> itself will hold the resulting UTF8 string. If you don't wish <text> to be modified, make a copy of it first (see copy-string). See utf8-text for the reverse conversion and data standards information.

You can obtain <status> in "status" clause. <status> number is GG_OKAY if successful, or GG_ERR_UTF8 if there was an error, in which case <error text> string in "error-text" clause will contain the error message.
 // Unicode value to encode to UTF8
 set-string txt = "\u0459\\\"Doc\\\"\\n\\t\\b\\f\\r\\t\\u21d7\\u21d8\\t\\u25b7\\u25ee\\uD834\\uDD1E\\u13eb\\u2ca0\\u0448\\n\\/\\\"()\\t"

 // Convert to UTF8 
 text-utf8 txt status txt_status error-text txt_error

 // Expected UTF8 result
 set-string utf8 = \"Doc\"\n\t\b\f\r\t⇗⇘\t▷◮𝄞ᏫⲠш\n/\"()\t"

 // Make sure conversion was successful
 if-true utf8 not-equal txt or txt_status not-equal GG_OKAY or txt_error not-equal ""
     @Error in converting string to UTF8

See also
See all

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