Sub handler

Purpose: Call another handler within the same process.

 sub-handler <request path>

Calls another handler within the same request in the same process. You can call any handler within the same application.

<request path> is the request path served by the handler being called. It can be a string variable or a constant.

Use set-param and get-param to pass parameters between the caller and callee handlers.

sub-handler uses the same high-performance hash table used by a request to route requests by name.
The following example demonstrate calling a sub-handler twice, and also using its output inline in the caller. An input parameter is passed to it, and an output obtained:

Copy to file "callsub.gliim":
 %% /callsub
     // First call to sub-handler
     // Set input for sub-handler
     set-param inp = "some string"
     (( s
     sub-handler "/sub/service"
     // Get output from sub-handler
     get-param out type string
     @<<p-out s>> with output [<<p-out out>>]

     // Second call to sub-handler
     // Set input for sub-handler called as inline code
     set-param inp = "new string"
     (( s
     @Output: <<sub-handler "/sub/service">>
     // Get output from sub-handler
     get-param out type string
     @<<p-out s>> with output [<<p-out out>>]

And in "sub__service.gliim" file:
 %% /sub/service
     @This is sub!
     get-param inp
     (( out
     @got input: <<p-out inp>>
     set-param out = out

Create and build an application:
sudo mgrg -i -u $(whoami) subhandler
gg -q

Run it:
gg -r --req="/callsub" --exec --silent-header

The output:
This is sub! with output [got input: some string]
Output: This is sub! with output [got input: new string]

See also
Service processing
See all

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