
Licensing and copyright
Gliimly is Free Open Source software licensed under Apache License 2.

Gliimly is copyright (c) 2019-now Gliim LLC.
The following discussion is not legal advice.

Gliimly makes use of the following dynamically-linked libraries (with copyright by their respective owners), and only if your application actually uses them:
You would install these libraries yourself (they are not distributed with Gliimly) as dependencies for compiling the source code. Gliimly does not link to any outside static libraries.

Gliimly uses FNV-1a hash function, which is released in the public domain (see wikipedia page) and is not patented (see Landon Noll's web page).

Gliimly source code uses SPDX, an open ISO standard for communicating sofware bill of material information (such as licenses), to improve on open source licensing compliance for companies and communities.
See also
See all

Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Gliim LLC. All contents on this web site is "AS IS" without warranties or guarantees of any kind.