Hash string

Purpose: Hash a string.

 hash-string <string> to <result> \
     [ binary [ <binary> ] \
     [ digest <digest algorithm> ]

hash-string produces by default a SHA256 hash of <string> (if "digest" clause is not used), and stores the result into <result>. You can use a different <digest algorithm> in "digest" clause (for example "SHA3-256"). To see a list of available digests:
#get digests
openssl list -digest-algorithms

If "binary" clause is used without boolean expression <binary>, or if <binary> evaluates to true, then the <result> is a binary string that may contain null-characters. With the default SHA256, it is 32 bytes in length, while for instance with SHA3-384 it is 48 bytes in length, etc.

Without "binary" clause, or if <binary> evaluates to false, each binary byte of hashed string is converted to two hexadecimal characters ("0"-"9" and "a"-"f"), hence <result> is twice as long as with "binary" clause.
String "hash" will have a hashed value of the given string, an example of which might look like "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855":
 hash-string "hello world" to hash

Using a different digest:
 hash-string "hello world" to hash digest "sha3-384"

Producing a binary value instead of a null-terminated hexadecimal string:
 hash-string "hello world" to hash digest "sha3-384" binary

See also
See all

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