
If you do not use SELinux, you can ignore this.

SELinux is MAC (Mandatory Access Control) system, which means anything that isn't allowed is prohibited. This is as opposed to DAC, Discretionary Access Control, where everything is allowed except what's prohibited. MAC generally works on top of DAC, and they are expected to work in a complementary fashion. Gliimly deploys both methods for enhanced security.

Gliimly comes with a SELinux policy out-of-the-box, which covers its general functioning. However, you can write any code with Gliimly, and if you are using SELinux, you may run afoul of its other policies, which may not be conducive to your code. In that case, use temporarily a permissive mode (via setenforce), and then audit2allow to get a clue on what is the issue and then take action to allow what's requested.

Note that OpenSUSE package does not come with SELinux policy as of this release, because OpenSUSE at this time does not come with a default base policy and SELinux installation.

Gliimly policy files (including .te, .fc files, while .if file is empty) can be found here:
ls $(gg -l)/selinux/*.{te,fc}

As a part of installing Gliimly, the following SELinux types will be installed:
Gliimly policy:
Gliimly policy allows normal functioning of Gliimly features only, but does not introduce any unnecessary privileges to the rest of the system.

Note: Gliimly installation does not distribute .pp (compile) policy files, because it is not currently part of distro repos. Due to changes in SELinux and difference in versions installed across derived distros, Gliimly will compile source .te and .fc files during the installation, ensuring the best possibility of successful SELinux policy setup.
Unix domain sockets
Using Unix domain sockets for Gliimly processes to communicate with a web server (see gg) is the default method and no further action is needed.
Unix TCP sockets
Using TCP sockets for Gliimly processes to communicate with a web server (see gg) requires you to label such ports as ggport_t, for example if you plan to use port 2109:
sudo semanage port -a -t ggport_t -p tcp  2109

When you no longer need a port, for example if you are switching to another port (for instance 2209), remove the old one and add the new one:
sudo semanage port -d -t ggport_t -p tcp  2109
sudo semanage port -a -t ggport_t -p tcp  2209

Changing or adding directories
If you are adding directories to be used by Gliimly program, or changing a directory, for example using a different storage instead of /var/lib/gg (see directories), you need to label files in new directories:
sudo semanage fcontext -a -t ggfile_t "/your/new/dir(/.*)?"
sudo restorecon -R /your/new/dir

To remove context from such directories (if you are not using them anymore), use:
sudo semanage fcontext -d -t ggfile_t "/your/new/dir(/.*)?"
sudo restorecon -R /your/new/dir

See also
See all

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